"Net Zero Roadmap: A Global Pathway to Keep the 1.5 °C Goal in Reach", International Energy Agency, 2023. Update of the 2021 Report.
The report updated with the positive developments of the increasing solar PV installations and electric car sales since 2021.
Download the pdf from: https://www.iea.org/reports/net-zero-roadmap-a-global-pathway-to-keep-the-15-0c-goal-in-reach
"How to Achieve 100 % Renewable Energy", World Future Council, 2014
60 pp., September 2014. Download from:
Direct link to pdf:
"The World Energy Scenarios: Composing Energy Futures to 2050", World Energy Council (WEC), October 2013
The WEC World Energy Scenario is a result of a three-year study conducted by over 60 experts from nearly 30 countries, with modelling provided by the Paul Scherrer Institute. The report assesses two contrasting policy scenarios, the more consumer driven Jazz scenario and the more voter-driven Symphony scenario with a key differentiator being the ability of countries to pass through the Doha Climate Gateway.
Download the full Report and Executive Summary from: www.worldenergy.org/publications/2013/world-energy-scenarios-composing-energy-futures-to-2050/
"The Energy Report - 100% Renewable Energy by 2050", WWF & Ecofys, February 2011
Scenario by WWF and Ecofys, showing that a transition is not only possible but also cost-effective, providing energy that is affordable for all and producing it in ways that can be sustained by the global economy and the planet. The 1st part seeks to generate a discussion around the comprehensively researched scenario that is presented in the 2nd part, conducted by project partner consultancy Ecofys.
Download the full report as pdf file (16 MB, 256 pp.), and Summary from the WWF's home page: https://www.worldwildlife.org/publications/the-energy-report
"Energy [R]evolution: A Sustainable World Energy Outlook", Greenpeace & EREC, 2010
Scenario by Greenpeace and EREC provides a detailed practical blueprint for cutting carbon emissions while achieving economic growth by replacing fossil fuels with renewable energy and energy efficiency.
Global CO2 emissions under the Energy [R]evolution scenario would peak in 2015 and drop afterwards. Compared with 1990 CO2 emissions will be more than 80% lower by 2050 if the energy supply is based almost entirely on renewable energies. By 2050 around 95% of electricity could be produced by renewable energy.
Download the full report as pdf file (9.0 MB): https://www.greenpeace.de/sites/default/files/publications/energyrevolutionreport_engl_0.pdf
"Energy [r]evolution", Greenpeace, 2008
The scenario comes close to a fossil fuels phase-out by aiming for a 80% CO2 emissions reduction by 2050.
The report was available as pdf file (1.1 MB, 32 pp.) from Greenpeace's web site: https://www.greenpeace.org/usa/wp-content/uploads/legacy/Global/usa/report/2009/4/energy-r-evolution-a-sustain.pdf
"Carbon-constrained scenarios": Cired, Enerdata, Leppii, IDDRI, 2009
Reduction of the world emissions in 2050 from two-thirds to three quarters of the 1990 level.
Download the report as pdf file (0.8 MB, 89 pp.) from IDDRI's web site:
"Deciding the Future: Energy Policy Scenarios to 2050", World Energy Council (WEC), 2007
This study works out 4 general scenarios of the world in 2050, all of them indicating an emission growth.
Download the full report from the WEC's website: pdf file (1.5 MB, 104 pp.) and a Summary at: https://www.worldenergy.org/assets/downloads/scenarios_study_online_1.pdf
“Shell Energy Scenarios to 2050”, Shell, 2008
Two scenarios are outlines: The first one “Scramble" is a quite pessimistic one and in the "Blueprint" scenario, global CO2 emissions would be capped by 2020 and subsequently begin to decline to 2000 levels by 2050.
Download the scenario: pdf file (1.34 MB, 52 pp.) https://energyforum.fiu.edu/outlooks/shell_outlook.pdf
"World Energy Outlook" (WEO), International Energy Agency (IEA), Annual Publication (2023-1999)
The anual publications can be downloaded from www.iea.org/reports/world-energy-outlook-2023#previous-editions click on "previous editions" and the "download".
They are also available at https://templatearchive.com/world-energy-outlook/ such pt. the edition in 2022.
The latest editions have been also published with summeries, press releases, and dataset.
The 2007 edition includes, among others, the 450 ppm stabilization case, which is analyzed.
Download WEO 2007 report in a pdf file (7.4 MB, 674 pp.): https://iea.blob.core.windows.net/assets/86acf56d-d8cc-4b73-b560-259f061264ad/WorldEnergyOutlook2007.pdf
"INFORSE Global 100% Sustainable Energy Vision 2050",
The 2002 edition was presented at World Summit on Sustainable Development (WSSD) Rio+10 by INFORSE, International Network for Sustainable Energy, Gunnar Boye Olesen Gunnar Boye Olesen, Michael Kvetny, and Emilio Lebre la Rovere.
Download the Scenario from INFORSE's website http://www.inforse.org/europe/Vision2050.htm
Direct link to the pdf file (0.3 MB, 12 pp.) and Poster from
http://www.inforse.org/europe/pdfs/Vision_W_INFORSE_Poster.pdf |