Collection of Scenarios > National


Zero Carbon Australia Scenarios:

- Beyond Zero Emissions (BZE) and the University of Melbourne have completed research and developed plans for Australia’s transition to a zero-carbon economy within a decade. All reports be downloaded from here:

- Zero Carbon Australia: Renewable Energy Super Power Plan, 2015
Downlod from

- Zero Carbon Australia: Buildings Plan, 2013
Download from:

- Zero Carbon Australia: Energy Plan (ZCA2020), 2010

100% renewable energy by 2020. The project is entirely the work of a team of volunteer contributors - ordinary Australians with experience and expertise in engineering and other relevant disciplines. Report is published by he University of Melbourne, Energy Research Institute. Download the Report (8.4 MB, 194 pp.) and Synopsis (2 MB, 16 pp.) from:


Belarus INFORSE Vision2050, 2008-11
Originally developed by INFORSE in cooperation with Belaya Rus and other Belarus NGOs in 2004. New version was developed in 2008 - 2009 in cooperation with Minsk Division of International Academy of Ecology (MD-IAE). New version available in 2011.


‘Energy Revolution' Scenario: A Sustainable Pathway to a clean energy future for Belgium, 2006
Scenario developed by Institute of Technical Thermodynamics, Department of Systems Analysis and Technology Assessment (DLR), Stuttgart, Germany, for Greenpeace Belgium.
Download in English (0.5 MB, 16 pp.):


Bulgarian INFORSE Sustainable Energy Vision 2050, Update 2014, 2010.
The update of the 2010 version was made in the framework of an Ejolt Report in 2014. The version in 2010 was developed by INFORSE-Europe in cooperation with the Bulgarian INFORSE-Europe member Za Zemiata. The Bulgarian Sustainable Energy Vision follows the principles of the INFORSE-Europe's Vision for EU.
Read more at:

Czech Republic:

Smart Energy, 2010
Developed by Hnuti DUHA (Friends of the Earth), Calla, Greenpeace Czech Republic, Veronica and Centre for Transport and Energy.
Based on the study: Lechtenbohmer, S., Prantner, M., et Samadi, S.: Development of alternative energy & climate scenarios for the Czech Republic, Wuppertal Institute for Climate, Environment and Energy, Wuppertal 2009.
Link to page to download the English Summary pdf file (0.7 MB, 4 pp.), 2011:
Link to the page to download the Czech Version, Chitra Enrgie, 108 pp, 2010:


"Denmark - 100% Renewble Energy - Vision 2030", INFORSE-Europe and the Danish Organization for Sustainable Energy (OVE). Update in 2014. Earlier updates: 2009, 2005.
- Read on the Scenario at INFORSE-Europe's web site at
- Direct link to an article pdf file (200 kB, 6 pp.) in English in 2014:
- Direct link to the 2014 version  pdf file (3.8 MB) update in Danish:
- Link to the 2014 version description and background notes in Danish:
- Background notes to Danish Energy Transition Scenario  (52 pages pdf, 03.2015)
- Background notes Danish Energy Transition Scenario: GHG emmsisions (19 pages, pdf 03.2015)
- Direct link to the 2008 update  pdf file (140 kB, 6 pp.) in English:

Global Climate Action Strategy: The Danish Government has launched the Global Climate Action Strategy ‘A Green and Sustainable World’ 2020. See the full report here:

The Danish Society of Engineers (IDA) Energy Plan 2030, 2006
The Plan proposes to cut Danish CO2 emissions by some 65% until 2030. Download the report here in pdf  (501 MB, 14 pp.):
Direct link to pdf file (0.5 MB, 14 pp.):
The plan was updated in 2009 with a proposal to phase out fossil fuels by 2050 for Denmark.

Reorganisation of the Danish Energy System, 2010
(Danish Tite: Ombygningen af energisystemet, 2010)
Report by Greenpeace Denmark, showing the tecnical and economical possibilities of changing the Danish energy system, to make it possible for Denmark to fulfill the carbon goals and to become independent of fossil fuels.
Only available in Danish   pdf file (5,5 MB, 62 pp.):

A Snapshot of the Danish Energy Transition
Objectives, Markets, Grid, Support Schemes and Acceptance by Agora Energivende.
The study from 2015 is about  an introductory overview to the Danish power system and the policies that govern it. Download in pdf (1,2 MB, 77 pp.):


Estonian INFORSE Vision 2050
Scenario developed by INFORSE-Europe together with the Estonian INFORSE member, Renewable Energy Center TAASEN. The Estonian Vision2050 is similar in structure to the vision for EU but developed to fit to Estonia. Published in November 2011. See more at:


“Towards a Low-Carbon Finland”, Prime Minister’s Office Finland, 2009
The Government adopted in October 2009 the Foresight Report on Long-term Climate and Energy Policy. Setting a target to reduce Finland’s greenhouse gas emissions by at least 80 % from the 1990 level by 2050 as part of an international effort, the report marks out the road to a low-carbon Finland in 2050. The scenarios include CCS, nuclear energy and hydrogen.
The full report pdf file (1.6 MB, 192 pp.), summary and figures can be downloaded in English:


Stratégie nationale bas-carbone, Ministère de la transition écologique, March 2020,
National Low Carbon Strategy, French Ministry to Ecological Transition, 2020
Download from and

Scenario from “négaWatt” - 2050, October 2017
4th scenario developed by the association "Négawatt". 
Download Report, Brochure, Summary (in French) from négaWatt: and English Summary (6 pp), 2017

Scénario de transition énergétique, Greenpeace, 2013
Energy Transition Scenario, Greenpeace, 2013
This scenario by Greenpeance, an international NGO, claims to reduce "as much as possible" potential greenhouse gases emissions.
Download from Greenpeace France: and direct   pdf:

Scenario from “négaWatt” - October 2011

Phase Out Nuclear Power by 2033: a Scenario that Challenges
Developed  by the association "Négawatt", a team of about 20 experts lead by Thierry Salomon.
It is the 3rd scenario after one in 2006 and 2003.
Download from here (only in French):
Full Report: pdf file (9.4 MB, 28 pp.)

The first English presentation by Yves Marignac can be downloaded from the Network's Seminar on October 25, 2011
Direct link:   (pdf file 1.2 MB, 39 pp.) Negawatt Presentation

"Summary of the Analysis of Existing French Low-Carbon Scenarios", December 2009
By Meike Fink, RAC-France
2-page article from the Low Carbon Societies Network's newsletter No. 2.
Download the article Newsletter No. 2, 2009,
pages # 3-4 from: Newsletter

“Scénario énergétique de référence”, DGEMP-OE, 2008
"Reference energetic scenario"
Download from the French Government's web site: pdf file (418 kB, 20 pp.) at files/resource_1/1-%20scenario_energetique-DGEMP.pdf

“Document de prospective SEEDS”, Seeds, may 2008
"Prospective document"

"Nucléaire: comment en sortir ? Etude sur des sorties du nucléaire en 5 ou 10 ans", Réseau Sortir du Nucléaire, 2007
"Nuclear : how to get out ? Study on differents exits in 5 or 10 years"
Download the pdf file of full report (7.6 MB, 92 pp.) in French and

Download an English summary: "Nuclear Energy Phase-Out in France – Summary of the Study on Fast Nuclear Phase-Out within 5 or 10 years", 2007.
Direct link to the pdf file (2.7 MB, 28 pp.):

“Perspectives énergétiques de la France à l'horizon 2020-2050” , Centre d'analyse stratégique, Commission énergie - Jean Syrota, 2007
"French energetic perspectives : 2020-2050"
Download   pdf files:

“Négatep”, Association Sauvons le Climat (SLC), 2007
Négatep claims a division of the CO2 emissions by 4 in 2050 criticizing the NégaWatt scenario.
Download the  pdf file (0.4 MB, 15 pp.) on SLC web site (French), at

“Rapport du Groupe de travail « Division par quatre des émissions de gaz à effet de serre de la France à l’horizon 2050", sous la présidence de Christian de Boissieu, 2006.
"Report of the Working Group "Division by four of France's greenhouse gas emissions by 2050", chaired by Christian de Boissieu
This report gives mainly recommendations how a division by 4 can be reached.
Download pdf file (703 kB, 77 pp.) in French at

“NégaWatt” Scenario by Association NégaWatt,  2006
A French energy scenario claiming a CO2 emission division by 4,2 in 2050 compared to 2000.
See the report on Negawatt's web site, at Download the Report (French): pdf file (215 kB, 15 pp.)

"La division par 4 des émissions de dioxyde de carbone en France d’ici 2050", Interministerial Task Force on Climate Change (MIES), 2004.
"The division by 4 of carbon dioxide emissions in France by 2050"
This study describes 6 different scenarios. The most ambitious one reaches a division by 3,3 of French the CO2 emissions in 2050 compared to 2000. Download the  pdf file (845 kB, 40 pp.) in French at /resource_1/3%20-%20Facteur4-MIES.pdf

“Politique énergétique nationale et lutte contre l’effet de serre“, Henri PREVOT, 2004
“National energy policy and fight against the greenhouse effect”
This scenario describes a division by 2,8 of the French CO2 emissions in 2030 compared to 2000. 
Download the pdf file (220 kB, 12 pp.) in Fench at

"Etude pour une prospective énergétique concernant la France", Observatoire de l’Energie, International Energy Agency - Direction Générale de l’Energie et des Matières Premières – ENDERDATA, LEPII, 2004.
"Study for an energy prospective concerning France"
This scenario describes a division by 3,1 of the French CO2 emissions in 2050 compared to 2000.
Download pdf file (432 kB, 89 pp.) in French at

“Un scénario énergétique tendanciel pour la France à l'horizon 2020”, Pierre-Noël Giraud, en collaboration avec Enerdata, 1999
“A trend energy scenario for France by 2020”
Download the publication from the CERNA's web site in French:

In case of problems: Download  pdf file (160 kB, 14 pp.):

“Énergie 2010-2020. Trois scénarios énergétiques pour la France”, Commissariat général du plan, 1998
“Energy 2010-2020. Three energy scenarios for France ”
Download  pdf file (113 kB, 3 pp.) in French:


"Stakeholder Integration in Remind-D, Germany", November 2011
by Jan Burck, Germanwatch
2-page article from the Low Carbon Societies Network's newsletter No. 8.
Download the article Newsletter No. 8, 2011,
pages # 2-3 from: Newsletter

"Low Energy Scenarios for Germany", December 2009
Comparison by Jan Burck, Germanwatch
1-page article from the Low Carbon Societies Network's newsletter.
Download the article Newsletter No. 2, 2009,
page #2 from: Newsletter

« Lead Study», Study commissioned by the German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety (BMU), 2010
All of the three scenarios bundled in this study aims an 80% reduction of the German CO2 emissions in 2050.
Find the scenario here:

Environmental policy for a sustainable society, 2020
Susutainable development report by the Federal Environment Ministry on the implementation of the United Nations 2030 Agenda.
Find the full report in pdf (4,7 KB, 76 pp.) here:

Energieziel 2050: 100% Strom aus erneuerbaren Quellen, 2010
(100% renewable electricity supply by 2050)

Developed by The German Federal Environment Agency, Umwelt Bundes Amt (UBA). Demonstrates how Germany’s electricity supply could be powered completely by renewable energies using technology already on the market today.
The report is available in German, pdf file (12,7 MB, 196 pp.) at:

Climate-friendly, reliable, affordable: 100% renewable electricity supply by 2050, 2010
Developed by German Advisory Body (SRU) on Environment in May 2010. The report describes how Germany can phase out fossil fuel from
its power production by 2050.

“Blueprint Germany – a Strategy for a Climate Safe 2050”, WWF, 2009
‘Blueprint Germany’ has been prepared by Prognos, Öko-Institut and Dr. Ziesing on behalf of WWF. The scenario shows that the transformation from a high-carbon to a low-carbon economy with -95% in 2050 is possible and affordable.
Download publication from WWF's web site:
 pdf file (498 kB, 34 pp.) at:

Greenpeace Plan B
, 2015
The study shows that fasing out of nuclear power is no hindrance for a 40% reduction of the German CO2 emissions by 2015 (in German).

Great Britain:

« ZeroCarbonBritain », Centre for Alternative Technology, 2021, 2018, 2017, 2013, 2010.
Transition of the UK energy systems until 2030, a policy framework and a scenario to eliminate emissions from fossil fuels within 20 years.
- ZeroCarbonBritain in 10 Counciles: Taking action together on the Climate Emergency, 2021
- Zero Carbon Britain: Rising to the Climate Emergency, 2021
- Zero Carbon Scenarios from Across the Globe: Raising Ambition. 2018
- Zero Carbon Britain: Make it Happen, 2017
- Zero Carbon Britain: Rethinking the Future, 2013
- Zero Carbon Britain: A new Energy Strategy, 2010
Download the reports as  pdf from ZeroCarbonBritain's web site at:

WWF UK: «Positive Energy: How Renewable Electricity can Transform the UK by 2030»
Published by WWF-UK, October 25, 2011
Download the pdf file  from:


Hungarian Vision 2040, 2014
Hungarian INFORSE Vision 2050, 2011-10
The Hungarian "Visions 2040 and 2050" are similar to the INFORSE's Vision for EU; but developed to fit to Hungary in cooperation with the Hungarian INFORSE member, KNE, and a group of ELTE University students.
Developed by Béla Munkácsy, KNE (Environmental Education and Planning Association) and the energy planning research group of the ELTE University, Budapest, Hungary.
Read more in English:
Link to the Hungarian Publication "This is the Way Forward 2.0", 2014.


Energy [R]evolution scenario: Italy
Greenpeace/EREC, 2009
This scenario is based on the European energy scenario produced by
The European Renewable Energy Council (EREC) and Greenpeace
International, which demonstrates how Europe’s CO2 emissions can be reduced by almost 80% by 2050. The Italian scenario provides an
exciting, ambitious and necessary blueprint for how emission reductions can be made in the energy and transport sectors and how Italy’s energy can be sustainably managed up to the middle of this century.
Summary in English is available at:


Kenya 100 % Renewable Energy Scenario and Plan by 2050
Developed by Suswatch Kenya in cooperation with INFORSE and INFORSE-East Africa. Launched in 2020, updated March 2023.
* Full Report: Kenya 100% Renewable Energy Scenario and Plan by 2025, 2.edition, (87 pp. pdf, 2.1 MB) ISBN 978-87-970130-8-3. Download:
* Policy Brief: Kenya 100% Renewable Energy, March 2023 (8 pp. pdf, 1 MB). Download:
Read more:
- Suswatch Kenya's homepage:
- INFOSE-Africa's homepage:


Latvian INFORSE Vision 2050, 2011 / 2007/2009
Developed by INFORSE in cooperation with Latvian INFORSE member Latvian Green Movement in 2007-2009. The Latvian Vision2050 follows the principles of the INFORSE vision for EU. New version is available in 2011.


Lithuanian INFORSE Vision 2050, 2006/2008/2010
It is developed by INFORSE together with theLithuanian INFORSE member Atgaja. The Lithuanian Vision2050 is similar in structure to the vision for EU. The Vision was first developed in 2006 and was updated in 2008 and 2010 to the current version.


Energy Policy of Poland (EPP) until 2030 and 2040  -  Polish Ministry of Economy, 2009, Summaries 2018
Published by the Polish Ministry of Economy and focuses on improving energy security, efficiency and competitiveness.
It implies a small reduction in overall GHG emissions by 2020, and a 4% increase between 2020 and 2030.
The document presents a sectoral strategy aiming to address the key challenges that the Polish power industry must faces until 2030. Download EPP 2040 draft by 2018, 2009 from: - IBS, ISD Poland, 2013
Published by Institute for Structural Research (IBS), Institute for Sustainable Development Foundation, Poland. ISBN: 978-83-63857-12-7, 2013
Reducing greenhouse gas emissions by 53 percent compared to 1990 levels by Poland to 2030 is possible - according to the Report.” this one could be in use: 2050. pl Journey to a low-emission future (in Polish) from WWF-Poland web site:


Romanian INFORSE Vision 2050, 2004/2007
The Vision2050 for Romania was developed by INFORSE in cooperation with Earth Friends (Prietenii Pamantului), Romania 2003-2004. A major update was made in 2007.


Russian INFORSE Vision 2050, 2008
Developed by INFORSE 2007-2008 based on available information on renewable energy potentials, energy consumption, and assumption on future growth in energy service demand and energy efficiency.

Strategy of socio-economic development of Russia with a low level of greenhouse gas emissions until 2050:


Slovakian INFORSE Vision2050 - Fossil-Free Slovakia
Developed by Emil Bedi, Foundation for Alternative Energy, INFORSE-Europe.
Read more at:


ENERGIA 3.O , 2011
100% Renewables: A renewable electricity system for mainland Spain and its economic feasibility, report developed by Greenpeace Spain.

Renovables 100% - Un sistema eléctrico renovable para la España peninsular y su viabilidad económica, 2006

100% Renewables: A renewable electricity system for mainland Spain and its economic feasibility, report developed by Greenpeace Spain.
Spanish version:
Summary in English, pdf file (1.1 MB):


ENERGY SCENARIO for Sweden 2050
August 2011

The report presents an energy scenario for Sweden aiming at providing close to 100% of the energy by renewable energy sources. Renewable resources should be produced with a high level of environmental concern and within the carrying capacity of the ecosystems. As a consequence biomass becomes a limited resource, especially since the transport sector in Sweden relies on fossil energy which needs to be substituted with domestically produced
renewable fuels, and electricity is produced with renewable energy technologies.

Download pdf file (1.78 MB, 100 pp.):


Türkiye National Energy Plan
The report assumes that sectoral transformations will occur in the long term in line with the Development Plans, especially in the manufacturing industry subsectors, based on the economic growth projections of the Presidency of Strategy and Budget.
Find the full report here in English:



Uganda 100% Renewable Energy Scenario & Plan by 2050.
Developed by UCSD in cooperation with INFORSE- and INFORSE-East Africa in 2023.
Download the Publications:
* Full Report: Uganda 100% Renewable Energy Scenarion and Plan by 2050 (61 pp., 6.4 MB) ISBN 978-87-970130-7-6, 61 pp., January 2023. Download:
* Policy Brief: Towards 100 % Rewable Energy in Uganda (4 pages, 1.5 MB)
  Read more:
- Uganda Coalition for Sustainable Development (UCSD),  and download from UCSD Resources.  and  
- INFOSE-Africa's homepage: 


The INFORSE Vision 2050 for Ukraine
Developed by INFORSE-Europe in cooperation with REA. The vision is based on official national forecasts for the development of Ukrainian economy and data from the draft Ukrainian Energy strategy for the period till 2030.
Read more at 


The  project is ended in 2012,
but the collection of scenarios
is continued being updated.

Check out the New European
CLEVER Scenario, June 2023:

Regional Scenarios

National Scenarios

Global Scenarios

 Project's News in 2009-12:

March 15, 2012
Paris, France
Final Conference

• Newsletter No.9, March 2012March, 2012
Newsletter # 9