Selection of the Stakeholders
A core activity of the ENCI-LowCarb Project was the development of a method for the transparent integration of stakeholders’ contributions into the scenario design process to enhance the acceptance of the resulting low-carbon pathways.
This is useful to strengthen the foundation of the scenarios, to increase their realism, and also to provide knowledge of the kind of support and opposition that a given scenario can expect in the sectors involved.
To identify stakeholders for the sectoral meetings, a “Power versus Interest Grid” was used. From a list of stakeholders, those placed highest along the interest axis in the grid were selected.
The stakeholders that were selected included trade unions, energy companies, environmental NGOs, consumer NGOs, industries and banks. The maximum number of participants in the stakeholders’ meetings was set to 15 for each sector to ensure in-depth discussions.
In the ENCI-LowCarb Project, the two NGO-partners played an active role in the selection of the stakeholders. Due to their political work, the NGOs often knew many of the important players on the field and have experiences with them. Also experts of the different sectors were interviewed in order to identify core actors.

Graph: “Power versus Interest Grid” ,
Source: Bryson, J. (1995) Strategic Planning for Public and Nonprofit Organizations, San Francisco, CA: Jossey- Bass.
Who should be involved?
Within the frame of the ENCI-LowCarb project it was not possible to evaluate “social acceptance”, and the focus was rather on “stakeholders’ acceptance”.
Social acceptance has different aspects that cannot be assessed with the available project tools. So it was decided to invite national stakeholders.
Read more:
- Report/Article: "Social Acceptance in Quantitative Low Carbon Scenarios", Eva Schmid et al, October 2011. Report, 2012 (pp. 25, pdf, 0.47 MB)
- Fact Sheet: "Lessons Learned from Researcher - NGO cooperation on development of lowcarbon scenarios", (Lessons Learned 2-page fact-sheet, 0.2 MB)
- Fact Sheet: "Stakeholders Contribute to the Socio-Political Acceptance of Low-Carbon Scenarios". English version (2-page fact-sheet, 0.38 MB)
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Collaborative Scenario Creation Processes for Germany and France. |
The Project is ended in 2012,
but the collection of scenarios
is continued being updated:
Check out the New European
CLEVER Scenario, June 2023:
• Regional Scenarios
• National Scenarios
• Global Scenarios
News from Project (2009-12)

• March 15, 2012
Paris, France
Final Conference
• March, 2012
Newsletter # 9